JCPenney has had different designers working on their products. Over time due to lack of communication and silo teams there were a lot of inconsistent designs created over the products.
One of the bigger challenges for creating this design system was conducting an audit for all existing components and documenting where they live in the app and what they do. To accomplish this, I took screenshots of every page and interaction throughout the app and mapped them to any existing pages that were designed in Sketch. Afterwards, I filled in the blanks and created the missing components and pages in Sketch so that there would be a 1-to-1 match between Sketch files and what was in production.
As I conducted the audit, our product team realized this was a good opportunity to rethink the structure and design aesthetic of the app. Working in parallel on both the design system and restructure was efficient because I was able to freely explore both design execution and an improved IA and UX for the app.